My role at Schoalstic: Senior Visual Designer / UI /UX Designer
What i did:
I have worked on the print version of Read 180. It is an Educational program now being brought into the Digital space for Mobile and desktop. It is also broken up into 3 segments in print which are A,B,C all of which have varying grade level content. I worked with editorial and other Art Directors on other platforms such as English 3D, Math 180 and Universal Minds all of which have counter parts in the digital space.
The Digital
The project included wire frame mock ups, prototyping, white board brainstorming and putting together digital mood boards along with working with other UI/UX teams. I put together prototyping animations ex: Showcasing how the app works which included functionality. We used Jira for writing out stories and collaborating with other teams (Engeneering) mapping out vairous tasks for current sprints. A design meeting followed after the scrum for about 10 minutes reviewing new iterations (What worked and was wasn't working) content changed sometimes based of final manuscript. 
Below you can see some of my work i have worked on.
The Idea:
The teacher space for read 180 is a platform in which teachers teach the student via an online platform in browser. We were tasked with designing in a 10 month time frame after meeting the "California" deadline. 
The design: The design direction of teacher space was split into 2 windows the actual teaching space the teacher would do most of his or her interaction and a PDF on the right of what the student saw on the print version of what the student would be working from. The split screen window can be contracted up to 75 percent with the navigation on the side being static. The reason behind the split screen design was, the teacher needed to always refer back to the student lesson about 95 percent of the time and it needed to be legible and easily accessble. 
The problem: 
Coming up with a way to serve up heavy content to the teacher as easy and as clear as possible. The deadline we were working under was very tight. At first we started weekly sprints based on functionality which really did not work It also made usability testing almost impossible, because we didn't have a minimal viable product to test. For example, we were working on 1 manuscript at a time for one section of the teachers lesson which varied by lesson there for we couldn't test without all content areas in place.
The solution:
Instead of structuring sprints around functionality, we structured them around fidelity. We Incorporated modern day techniques as far as content goes for an example: Hide and show tabs, less noise on screen rather than showing all content at once cluttering the space for the teacher. All of which were done using low fidelity wireframes increasing in fidelity in each sprint forward. We also screened possbile personas as to how a teacher would teach for example a seasoned teacher vs a teacher who really didn't know what to do.  
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